Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is something that we should really celebrate every day. However, it is nice to have one day out of a year to spend recognizing our mother's and what they have done for us! I am so grateful to have a wise Godly mother who has taught me so much and loves me unconditionally! Have you told your mother today that YOU LOVE HER! If not i highly recommend that you do. If you have anything to share about your mom please do!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today in chapel these three missionaries from Peru came to speak to us, there was two men and one college aged girl. One of the guys who came was actually born in Peru and is a youth pastor at his parents church, and the other man with him was his sponsor. The young college girl came because last year she went on a mission trip with them to help out. There message was really inspiring! First the girl came up and started talking about her experience in Peru. Then, the young youth pastor came up and started talking about the town he lives in ans his school. He started talking about how most of the town he lives in is floating, which means that most houses and shops are built on logs so that they can float whenever the river rises (they live in the rain forest.) The youth pastor was talking about how even though the children in the town are very poverty stricken they are still happy and smiling with whatever they have. The sponsor came up and told us that we would have the opportunity to write these young children in the school and be pen pals with them. This message inspired me to continue to reach out not only in my town, or country but to minister to those in other countries as well. Sometimes my fears sweep over me and stop me from doing this but this verse reminds me what I really should be focusing on. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, April 5, 2010


Devotionals are a very hard thing to keep consistent, especially if you a live a very busy life style like me. However you should find time to make a daily devotional possible because it is a sturdy foundation for you faith in Christ. Since I go to a Christian school our Bible teachers already give us a daily bible reading to read for the whole year and that is what I do mine off of. If you don't go to a christian school than just pick a book of the bible and seperate out the verses in like a month or so and follow that. Please comment on this subject about how it is hard for you or what you have found that works!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Seder dinner

Well, I just got back from an awesome experience! My family and I were envited to partake of a passover Seder dinner. We did the whole shabang, like the readings, the cosher food... and everything else! It was such a great reminder of Jesus death, berrial and reserection! O... and I found the Matzah (if you don't know the terdition, look it up.) Now don't get me wrong im not a practiceing jew or anything I just have a jewish heritage and so do the people who envited us! It was such a great night of feasting, reading some hebrew and fellowship!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Recently i was at two of my best friends birthday party. While I was there I realized how important it is that we have strong friendships with sisters and brothers in Christ. When we do have friendships like this I believe that God uses them to help build us up and becoming stronger in our Faith. Sure it is ok to have friends that are not Christians but I encourage you to be strong in your faith because the Bible says that it is easier for you to fall back into worldy things than it is for you to influence your friend. So I encourage you today to tell your friend how much you love them!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Being a world changer is not as hard as it seems. There are two steps to becoming a World changer, Love God, Love others, and if you do those two things you will become a world changer! As I strive to be a world changer in my community I hope that you will do the same. I pray that this generation of teenagers will be extremely influential in the future, and let God work through us to make an impacton the generations to come!